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A search for 'Hard Knocks' gave the following results:

1 matches in titles (motion pictures, tv shows/series, video games and compilation albums):
1315 matches in tracks
  1. Hard Knocks (03:48)
    from Shiner
  2. School of Hard Knocks (04:04)
    from Little Nicky
  3. HARD KNOCKS (01:42)
    from Viva Las Vegas
    (J. Byers)
  4. HARD KNOCKS (01:42)
    from Roustabout
    (J. Byers)
  5. Hard Knocks And Tough Rocks (02:30)
    from Teenage Cruisers
    Wildman Tony Conn
  6. Hard Hard Hard (00:00)
    from Electric Company, The
    Short Circus
  7. Hard Hard Hard (00:00)
    from Electric Company, The
    Short Circus
  8. 47 Knocks (02:35)
    from Hitman: Agent 47
  9. Four Knocks (03:58)
    from Doctor Who – The 50th Anniversary Collection
  10. Four Knocks (04:04)
    from Doctor Who
  11. Roger Knocks (00:00)
    from Strange One, The
  12. Marley’s Knocks (01:49)
    from Christmas Carol, A
  13. Could I Talk To You; Jo Knocks (01:38)
    from Malone
  14. Opportunity Knocks But Once (00:00)
    from Aladdin
  15. Bobby Knocks Out Chuck (01:05)
    from Delta Force 2: Operation Stranglehold
  16. Hard, Hard Girl (02:15)
    from Unholy Matrimony
    Both tracks performed by The Warmest Spring
  17. Hard Times (Hard Crimes) (00:57)
    from Tube Tunes Vol.2 The 70'd And 80's
    Performed by David Cassidy
  18. Opportunity Knocks But Once (02:56)
    from Aladdin
    Bonus Tracks
  19. Work Hard, Play Hard [Explicit] * (03:36)
    from 22 Jump Street
    Wiz Khalifa
  20. Opportunity Knocks But Once (at Thuh Door) (02:35)
    from Aladdin
    Cyril Ritchard, Chorus
Show all 1315 matching tracks